Monday, September 7, 2009

Been Awhile

It has definitely been a while since our last post. All is good in the Mounce house. A few weeks before school started Andrew got sick and was not eating or swallowing well. We got very concerned and realized how possible a feeding tube was for him. With lots of prayers and well wishes he is back to his hungry little self and could eat all day if we let him. It still takes him a while to eat everything but the appetite is there and we are soo thankful. Breatholding for him has gotten worse as he is holding his breathe for longer periods and straining while his face turns red. He hasn't passed out yet that we have noticed. It is a part of the syndrome that we have no control over and bless his little heart it has to be really hard for him to focus when he is doing this.

Here is a picture on his first day of school this year. There is a big glare but isn't he adorable?? We had a wonderful summer and got to visit some sweet friends in Kingwood. This is Andrew's buddy Lincoln that we haven't seen in several years. He was so great with Andrew and treated him like any other little boy. I still laugh when I think about him having a pillow fight with Andrew on the bed. Andrew loved it! What sweet boys!

We also got to see our Granny in Huntsville and go to church with her. After a day of driving, church and a good Chinese buffet he was pooped! Granny - we love your crayon scribbles on the chair. What beautiful artwork.

Andrew is back at school and loving it. He smiles every morning and gets super excited as I talk about seeing his friends. We had some photos done by a friend back in Dallas 2 weeks ago and I can't wait to share some of the pictures from that. He loved walking around the barn, watching the turkey and chickens and looking out at the pond. He will soon start hippotherapy lessons with a physical therapist at a place east of town once a week. This is the therapeutic horseback riding and I am sooo excited for him to get to ride. He loves animals and being outside so I think this should be right up his alley. We also have an augmentative communication evaluation this week with a speech pathologist. I really hope this goes well and I just hope that she will see what a lot of us do- that he is a smart boy and that he is in there. He understands so much lately and it is exciting to see him learn new things every day.
As for our quest to adopt a child- we were unable to adopt Felix the boy we had mentioned previously. He is an adorable little boy that was placed with another family and we are thankful that he now has a home. We were one of four families interested in him and after the waiting are thankful that he just has a family. We were called this week about a 19 month old girl east of town that needs a foster to adopt placement and her caseworkers are reviewing our file with many others to determine the right family. We are not really anxious about it and don't know what to feel. I feel like our family is red flagged because we have a child with special needs and Felt and I realize that if we never get a placement that we are ok. We would not trade this life or our Drew for anything. We have learned more from our sweet boy than we could ever have imagined and we know true love because of him.


Kelly said...

It is good to get a Mounce update! THe pictures are adorable as usual. I am glas he is feeling better and eating better! YAY! I hope the ACC eval goes awesome for you all. I know horseback riding is one of Brooklyn's most favorite things, I bet Andrew will love it too! Hugs from Indiana!

Theresa Rushing said...

Such cute pictures and I am glad that he is doing better. That is so cool that he loves school. We will probably make a trip to San Antonio soon!

Kelly said...
did you see this little guy come across the google alerts today?

Gabe said...

Thanks for the update here and on the phone this past weekend. We've been praying for you guys a LOT as of late. We hope God gives you some peace and serenity.